This indicator estimates daily emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOX) based on the California Air Resources Board (CARB) emission inventory for the California portion of the Tahoe Region. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is one of a group of highly reactive gasses known as “nitrogen oxides.” In addition to contributing to the formation of ground-level ozone and fine particle pollution, NO2 is linked with regional haze, global warming, water quality degradation, and a number of adverse effects on the respiratory system. The primary sources of NOX in the Tahoe Basin include on-road motor vehicles, residential fuel combustion, motorized watercraft, off-road equipment, solvent, and fuel evaporation, and off-road recreational vehicles. Regional programs such as reducing automobile use through transit and bike paths and cleaner-burning wood stoves aim to reduce NOX. Annual NOX emission estimates are made by CARB.


Annual estimated nitrogen oxide emissions (tons/day) for the California portion of the Lake Tahoe Region. While the TRPA 1982 Threshold Study Report estimated 1981 NOx daily emissions to be 9.4 tons, CARB estimated 1980 levels to be 5.6 tons/day (black line). Because consistent CARB data exists, CARB estimates are used as the threshold standard. Source: CARB (2015) emission inventory for the California portion of the Lake Tahoe Air Basin and TRPA.

CARB (2015) emission inventory for the California portion of the Lake Tahoe Air Basin and TRPA.

Evaluation Map

A map displaying current air quality monitoring stations within the Tahoe Basin.

2019 Evaluation

Considerably Better Than Target
Moderate Improvement
View Evaluation

Applicable Standard

AQ4: Maintain oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions at or below the 1981 level.

Key Points

• Nitrogen emissions from mobile sources in the Basin have declined by more than 66 percent over the last 20 years.

• NOemissions are likely to continue to decline even further as a result of increasingly strict tailpipe emissions standards.

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