The visual landscape of the Tahoe Region is one of its most impressive and memorable qualities. Most often viewers see the landscape from major roadways or from the lake itself. Because most of the region's development is on private lands located around the perimeter of the lake and along major roadways, from these vantage points, the region's scenic quality can be degraded where development dominates, overwhelms, or is incompatible with the region's natural features and scenic resources; is in locations visible from major roadways; or blocks important views, removes vegetation and natural features, or alters the topography. TRPA monitors the visual experience from 869 individual scenic units along roadways and the shoreline as viewed from the lake, as well as public recreation areas and along bike trails, and seeks to protect and enhance the important scenic values of the Tahoe Region. Each unit is given a rating for specific components (e.g., man-made features, variety, roadway structure, etc.) and whether it negatively or positively impacts scenic quality. Projects in the Environmental Improvement Program, adoption of the scenic shoreland ordinances, and building and design standards in new construction and redevelopment have protected and improved scenic conditions and community character region-wide. 

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