Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa Subumbellata) Updated 2024
Tahoe yellow cress is a flowering perennial plant in the mustard family that grows on Lake Tahoe’s sandy shorelines and nowhere else in the world. Over the last two decades, habitat threats to Tahoe yellow cress have been managed and successfully reduced by federal, state, local, and private sector partners on the Tahoe Yellow Cress Adaptive Management Working Group. This group has protected the plant and its habitat with the 2002 comprehensive conservation strategy. Because of the collaborative work of this group, and the robust conservation strategy, in 2015, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determined that the plant did not require additional protections under the federal Endangered Species Act. Tahoe yellow cress populations are highly responsive to changing water levels in Lake Tahoe, thriving on exposed sandy beaches and natural areas when lake levels are low. When the lake level is high, populations decrease because these habitat areas are submerged. However, the Conservation Strategy provides actions such as seed bank programs, increased fencing around population sites, and planting of additional areas, to assure that Tahoe yellow cress populations increase when lake levels drop. Tahoe yellow cress is monitored by partners around the Tahoe Region at all potential population sites as part of a Region-wide survey each year in September.
Applicable Standard
Maintain at least the number of occupied Rorippa subumbellata survey sites for each lake level as established: Lake level Low (<6,225ft) Occupied sites 35, Transition (6,225-6227ft) Occupied sites 26, High (>6,227ft) Occupied sites 20.
Key Points
- Tahoe yellow cress can only be found in beach and rocky habitats around the shore of Lake Tahoe. Because these habitats are greatly reduced during high lake levels, Tahoe yellow cress numbers are closely related to lake levels.
- Despite recent low numbers, the population appears to be stable and has been removed from the endangered species candidate list.
Delivering and Measuring Success
EIP Indicators
Special Status Species Sites Protected or Re-Established
Since 1997, EIP partners have worked to protect or re-establish 10 Tahoe yellow cress sites.
Example EIP Projects
Habitat Protection - Tahoe Yellow Cress: Upper Truckee East and West
Projects like this near the Upper Truckee marsh provide protective structures like fencing to protect Tahoe yellow cress plant locations.
TYC Conservation Strategy Phase II
Projects like this track efforts to protect TYC plants and habitat on public lands.
Local and Regional Plans
Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata)
The Conservation Strategy provides an adaptive management process to assist partners in meeting the recovery needs of Tahoe yellow cress.
Monitoring Programs
Tahoe Yellow Cress Monitoring
Tahoe Yellow Cress Monitoring Dashboard