The standard establishes a non-degradation goal for water quality in water bodies other than Lake Tahoe in the Tahoe Region. The other lakes in the Tahoe Region provide habitat for species and recreation opportunities for the visitors and residents. The lakes are also often hydrologically linked to Lake Tahoe, and thus protection of the other lakes in the Region also protects Lake Tahoe.

2023 Evaluation

Insufficient Data to Determine Status or No Target Established
Insufficient Data to Determine Trend
Not available
View Evaluation

Applicable Standard

WQ33: Attain existing water quality standards.

Key Points

  • The status of this standard has never been evaluated as there is limited baseline data on the water quality of the other lakes in the Tahoe Region.  
  • The majority of the other lakes in the Tahoe Region are in undeveloped watersheds; the most “developed” watersheds are likely those around Echo Lakes and Fallen Leaf Lake, both of which are lightly developed. The Regional Plan development restrictions protect all of the Region’s water bodies and SEZs from degradation.

About the Threshold

The other lakes in the Tahoe region provide habitat for species and recreation opportunities for the visitors and residents. The lakes are also often hydrologically linked to Lake Tahoe, and thus protection of the other lakes in the region also protects Lake Tahoe.
The majority of the “other lakes” in the Tahoe basin are in undeveloped watersheds, the most “developed” watersheds are likely those around Echo Lakes and Fallen Leaf Lake, both of which are lightly developed. The Regional Plan's development restrictions protect all of the region’s water bodies and SEZs from degradation. Absent disturbance from the development, the introduction of AIS, wildfire, and climate change are likely the largest threats to other lakes.

Rationale Details

Insufficient Data to Determine Status. The status of this standard has never been evaluated as there is limited baseline data on the water quality of the other lakes in the Tahoe Region.
Insufficient Data to Determine Trend. The status of this standard has never been evaluated as there is limited baseline data on the water quality of the other lakes in the Tahoe Region.

Confidence Details


Additional Figures and Resources

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