Turbidity is a measure of water’s clarity, and this standard establishes a goal for nearshore clarity near stream mouths. The nearshore represents an important socio-economic value because this is where most visitors and residents experience the lake first-hand. Turbidity in the nearshore is influenced by many factors including wave action, algae, and discharge from streams, especially during storms. Projects and programs that reduce pollutant and sediment loading to the lake are also likely to improve nearshore clarity.
Annual average clarity in NTU as measured at the 10 UC-Davis TERC nearshore network stations. Years in which no data are reported reflect sensor downtime for a significant portion of the year. Estimates are preliminary and require additional QA/QC to account for bias introduced by animals, biofouling, and other factors. Two standards exist for nearshore clarity: less than one NTU for areas not directly influenced by stream discharge and less than three NTU for areas directly influenced by stream discharge.
WQ3: Attain turbidity values not to exceed three NTU.
Key Points
Baseline turbidity in Tahoe’s nearshore is very clear, ranging from 0.1 to 0.3 NTU (Roberts et al. 2019).
Nearshore clarity is primarily influenced by wind and wave height. Nearshore turbidity is higher overnight than it is during the day (Valbuena and Schladow 2023).
During high wind events, nearshore sediments are resuspended in the water column, and decrease the clarity of the water, until the wind speed and wave height are reduced. During periods where wave heights exceed 0.5 m temporary peaks of up to 40 NTU are observed.
Nearshore clarity impairments are primarily driven by larger particle sizes than the particles that impact mid-lake clarity (Reardon, et al., 2016).
A 600-foot no-wake zone is enforced on Lake Tahoe to prevent resuspension of nearshore sediment by watercraft.
About the Threshold
Water clarity refers to the transparency or clearness of the water and is a commonly used indicator for the health of a water body. Federal, state, and regional agencies have adopted regulations to protect Lake Tahoe’s renowned clarity, which includes both the pelagic (deep water) and the littoral (nearshore) zones. The nearshore represents an important socio-economic value because this is where most visitors and residents experience the lake first-hand. Both California and Nevada recognize the unique ecological and aesthetic values of the nearshore environment, and both have adopted standards to protect nearshore water clarity. Secchi disk transparency is measured in the pelagic zone of Lake Tahoe, but this approach does not work in the littoral (nearshore) zone where water depth is insufficient for the method. Instead, instrument measurements of turbidity and light transmissivity are used as indicators of nearshore clarity.
Nearshore turbidity is primarily driven by the concentration and type of particles suspended in water. Nutrient loading affects clarity by increasing phytoplankton growth (suspended organic particles). The particle sizes that impact nearshore clarity are larger in size than the very fine particles that impact mid-lake clarity. Suspended sediment loading affects clarity by contributing more fine inorganic particles. Both types of particulates cause nearshore clarity loss by scattering light and through light absorption. The heterogeneity of nearshore features leads to considerable variability in effects from environmental and anthropogenic drivers. The main drivers include wind, seasonal runoff, lake water-column mixing and circulation, as well as episodic storm runoff and localized upwelling events. Deep-water zones close to the shoreline may mitigate the intensity of these effects by mixing offshore water with nearshore water and diluting clarity-reducing constituents. Extended shallow-water shelves can accentuate impacts by retaining higher concentrations of nutrients and suspended sediment particles, as well as by providing warmer water conditions for increased biological activity and sediment resuspension from waves and boat wakes. Urban stormwater runoff generally contains much higher concentrations of nutrients and fine sediment particles than found in the lake or in runoff from undisturbed areas. Urban stormwater discharges to the lake generally derive from impervious areas that include transportation routes and associated conveyance systems. They cause locally elevated concentrations of phytoplankton and suspended fine sediment particles that contribute to diminished nearshore clarity. Stream water concentrations of nutrients and sediments are naturally higher than pelagic lake water, so even streams from undisturbed watersheds contribute fine sediment particles and nutrients. Streams that pass through disturbed watersheds contribute higher concentrations of nutrients and fine sediment particles than streams from undisturbed watersheds. Inputs from groundwater seepage directly into the lake can increase concentrations of dissolved nutrients (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus), which increase concentrations of the microscopic suspended algae that decrease nearshore clarity. Upwelling events and seasonal lake mixing deliver deep-lake waters to the nearshore. These waters often can be nutrient-rich relative to nearshore conditions. Accumulated fine sediments that have settled in the nearshore may have an impact on transparency during times of high winds or when spring snowmelt increases lake levels and exposes the newly submerged land surface to wave action. The cumulative effect of boat wakes during peak recreation periods can induce episodic sediment resuspension in the nearshore. Long-term climate trends are likely to impact nearshore conditions as more precipitation arrives through rain rather than snow, with higher contributions of nutrients and fine sediments at some locations from increased runoff scouring of the landscape. Higher surface water temperatures from warming climate conditions may also increase nutrient cycling and phytoplankton production.
At or Somewhat Better Than Target. Two standards exist for nearshore clarity: less than one NTU for areas not directly influenced by stream discharge and less than three NTU for areas directly influenced by stream discharge. Baseline turbidity in Tahoe’s nearshore is very clear, ranging from 0.1 to 0.3 NTU (Roberts et al. 2019). A detailed assessment of data from 2022 and 2023 at Rubicon and Camp Richardson suggested a mean turbidity was of 0.57 NTU (Valbuena and Schladow 2023). Wind and wave action are the primary causes of periods of turbidity when the target established by the standard is exceeded. No formal method has been adopted for spatially delineating the zones established in the standard: areas not directly influenced by stream discharge and areas directly influenced by stream discharge. The area of influence likely varies with runoff and seasonal conditions within lake.
Trend Rationale
Insufficient Data to Determine Trend.
Confidence Details
Confidence of Status
Moderate. Measurements of nearshore clarity have consistently been well under target levels. The median average turbidity of all sites over the last four years was 0.84. The annual averages presented in the figure below have not been subject to full QA/QC and likely represent an upper-bound estimate of turbidity at each site. QA/QC to remove samples biased by biofouling, animals, or other factors would likely reduce estimates. Even with the inclusion of all values none of the 10 sites has an annual average for the period of record greater than 2.1 or 2.4 for the last four years.
The UC-Davis TERC nearshore network is a set real-time data collection stations strategically sited adjacent to private and public piers around the lake. Using a sophisticated package of underwater sensors, the stations provide continuous measurement of algal concentrations, turbidity, dissolved organic material and temperature. https://tahoe.ucdavis.edu/nearshore-network