In addition to roadway and shoreline scenic units, the scenic quality of certain recreation sites and bike trails are also subject to scenic threshold standards. The threshold standard for "Other Areas" addresses three general types of scenic resources: views of the lake and natural landscape, views of natural features, and visual quality of built facilities. Tracking these values measures how changes over time in land use and development affect scenic resources and how the recreation facilities' aesthetics affect the visual quality of the area. Factors that affect this standard are adjacent development that can be viewed from the sites and upkeep and maintenance of the facilities themselves. The Environmental Improvement Program's priorities include upgrading recreation facilities to better handle visitation capacity, improve the visitor experience, and decrease environmental impact.




The threshold evaluation assigns a status to an indicator relative to the adopted standard. As shown on the icon legend below, the background color of the reporting icon communicates the indicator “status” or estimate of current condition. For numerical standards, the status of an indicator is classified into “better” or “worse” categories based on the percent divergence of the current indicator value from the standard or interim target. For most indicators, the current value is taken directly from the value recorded in the most recent year. In some cases, the average value calculated from all data collected during the evaluation period is used. When an average value is used, it is noted and explained on the indicator evaluation page for that specific evaluation year.  

Note: Thresholds reported as "Implemented" refer to thresholds that were adopted as policy guidance in the development of the Regional Plan. In these cases, the subject policies, ordinances, or environmental protections have been incorporated into the TRPA Regional Plan and TRPA Code of Ordinances.