Transportation and Sustainable Communities
The Transportation and Sustainable Communities threshold is designed to reduce reliance on the automobile, support the attainment of the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) reduction goals of California and Nevada, and increase mobility.
TRPA’s unique planning authority allows it to closely coordinate land use (Regional Plan) and transportation (Regional Transportation Plan) planning. The two plans work together to provide visitors and residents with alternatives to personal automobile travel and reduce VMT. For more than twenty years the focus of both has been supporting compact, mixed-use development, and walkable, bikeable, transit-friendly communities.
The TRPA Governing Board adopted the Transportation and Sustainable Communities threshold category and the VMT per capita threshold standard in April 2021. Therefore they were not evaluated in the 2019 Threshold Evaluation Report, and will be evaluated for the first time in the 2023 Threshold Evaluation.
The threshold evaluation assigns a status to an indicator relative to the adopted standard. As shown on the icon legend below, the background color of the reporting icon communicates the indicator “status” or estimate of current condition. For numerical standards, the status of an indicator is classified into “better” or “worse” categories based on the percent divergence of the current indicator value from the standard or interim target. For most indicators, the current value is taken directly from the value recorded in the most recent year. In some cases, the average value calculated from all data collected during the evaluation period is used. When an average value is used, it is noted and explained on the indicator evaluation page for that specific evaluation year.
Note: Thresholds reported as "Implemented" refer to thresholds that were adopted as policy guidance in the development of the Regional Plan. In these cases, the subject policies, ordinances, or environmental protections have been incorporated into the TRPA Regional Plan and TRPA Code of Ordinances.