The indicator measures the relative proportion of land covered by riparian hardwoods species which include alder, aspen, willow, cottonwood, and dogwood and are associated with moist soils adjacent to streams, springs, wetlands, and small lakes. The relative proportion of the riparian hardwoods is important as this vegetation type enhances vegetation richness in the Region, provides habitat for a relatively high diversity of wildlife species (including sensitive species) and is resilient to natural disturbances such as flooding and fire. TRPA has adopted several policies and ordinances designed to promote the conservation and protection of existing deciduous vegetation types and Environmental Improvement Program partners have implemented numerous deciduous riparian restoration and enhancement projects, restoring or enhancing aspen habitat.


Estimated percent of land area occupied by deciduous riparian vegetation in the Lake Tahoe Region relative to TRPA adopted numeric target (blue line). Changes in the percent cover are a result of different interpretations of the baseline amount of undisturbed vegetation and changing mapping techniques/resolution, not necessarily actual changes in vegetation type. Sources: ((TRPA, 2007, 2001; USDA, 2009)

Evaluation Map

Vegetation Distribution in the Tahoe Region - 2010 Ecobject.

2019 Evaluation

Considerably Worse Than Target
Little or No Change
View Evaluation

Applicable Standard

VP5) Relative Abundance - Of the total amount of undisturbed vegetation in the Tahoe Basin: Maintain at least 4% deciduous riparian vegetation.

Key Points

  • At 1.4 percent, deciduous riparian vegetation cover is far below the four percent target.
  • Projects implemented through the Environmental Improvement Program have been effective at restoring riparian vegetation acreage (especially for aspen, where shade tolerant white fir were removed).

Delivering and Measuring Success

EIP Indicators