Lands classified as land capability class 6 are considered non-sensitive in the Tahoe Region and can support development. The percent of land coverage within land capability class 6 indicator measures the percent of land coverage on class 6 lands in the Tahoe Region. The indicator allows up to 30 percent impervious coverage within land capability class 6. Land capability class 6 includes gently sloping areas around the northern parts of the Tahoe Region. These non-sensitive areas are well suited for urbanization, active recreation, and other uses. 


Percent cover in each Bailey land capability class relative to the allowable coverage in class.

Evaluation Map

Land capability Class 6 lands and impervious surfaces within the Tahoe Region

2019 Evaluation

Considerably Better Than Target
Little or No Change
View Evaluation

Applicable Standard

SC8: Impervious cover shall comply with the "Land Capability Classification of the Lake Tahoe Basin, California-Nevada, A Guide for Planning", Bailey, 1974.

Key Points

  • Impervious coverage within class 6 was estimated to be 2,280 acres, less than the threshold standard of 6,960 acres.
  • Class 6 includes about 11 percent of the Tahoe Region.
  • Approximately one-third of the regional allowable coverage in class 6 has been utilized.