The scenic quality rating for a shoreline travel unit is a distinct score for the individual view of specific features of the landscape. 'Scenic resources', as they are called, are seen from a specific location within a shoreline travel unit looking back to the shoreline. Tracking these changes is important because it provides a measure of how changes in land use and development over time affect these resources. The primary drivers affecting scenic quality in the shoreline areas of Lake Tahoe are land use, and the visual exposure and visual/aesthetic characteristics of development visible from Lake Tahoe. The TRPA Code of Ordinances specifies design standards and guidelines for new development and redevelopment projects along the shoreline through the Scenic Shoreland Ordinances adopted in 2002 and is intended to attain the threshold standards as older development is gradually replaced with newer development that has reduced visual impacts. Also, the 2018 Shoreline Plan provides design standards to mitigate the scenic impacts of new shoreline structures authorized under the plan. Every four years, a team of professionals examines and evaluates the quality of scenic resources along Tahoe's shoreline.



Average Scenic Quality Rating Scores by Year for Shoreline Travel Units (Scenic Resources)

Evaluation Map

Shoreline travel units 2019 attainment status and shoreline scenic resources. Zoom in on the map and click on the scenic resource points to view photos of individual scenic resources.

2019 Evaluation

At or Somewhat Better Than Target
Little or No Change
View Evaluation

Applicable Standard

Maintain or improve the numerical rating assigned each unit, including the scenic quality rating of the individual resources within each unit, as recorded in the Scenic Resources Inventory and shown in:
SR1) Table 13-3 of the Draft Study Report
SR2) Table 13-5 of the Draft Study Report
SR3) Table 13-8 of the Draft Study Report
SR4) Table 13-9 of the Draft Study Report

Key Points

  • Overall, the views of 92% of scenic resources (170 out of 184) have been maintained or improved from baseline since adoption.
  • The scenic quality of three shoreline scenic resources increased in 2019 and one additional resource (Cedar Flat 18.4) came into attainment. These increases were due to increased vegetation screening and residential rebuilds that conform to improved design standards of the scenic Shoreland Ordinances.
  • The exposed linear quality of the cut bank for the new trail connecting Incline Village and Sand Harbor puts at risk degrading the visual quality of three scenic resources along the east shore of Lake Tahoe. Screening vegetation has been planted and the visual impact to the scenic resources will be reassessed in the next evaluation after the vegetation has become established and matures.

Delivering and Measuring Success

Local and Regional Plans

  • Scenic Quality Improvement Program

    The program is a comprehensive strategy for improving the overall quality of the built environment and attaining and maintaining the scenic quality goals of the Tahoe Region.