PM2.5 is very fine particulate matter, 2.5 micrometers and smaller. This indicator measures the annual average PM2.5 concentration for the calendar year. Particulate matter less than or equal to 2.5 microns in size (PM2.5) is associated with a variety of human health concerns, including asthma, lung diseases, and heart disease. The primary sources of PM2.5 in the Tahoe Basin are residential fuel combustion, campfires, wildfires, prescribed fires, motor vehicles, and dust from unpaved roads. PM2.5 is monitored by TRPA and partners at three sites around the Basin.
3-year rolling annual average PM2.5 in the Tahoe Region from 1991 to present.
AQ12: Particulate Matter2.5 Annual Arithmetic Average - Maintain Particulate Matter2.5 at or below annual arithmetic average of 12µg/m3 in the portion of the Region within California and maintain Particulate Matter2.5 at or below annual arithmetic average of 15µg/m3 in the portion of the Region within Nevada. Particulate Matter2.5 measurements shall be made using gravimetric or beta attenuation methods or any equivalent procedure which can be shown to provide equivalent results at or near the level of air quality standard.
Key Points
Average PM2.5 concentrations are well within air quality standards except for 2021 during the Caldor fire.
Available data suggest that PM2.5 levels in Tahoe have decreased since the early 1990’s, but monitoring was not continuous.
Lake Tahoe experiences long-term improvement in the average annual concentrations of particulate matter, but an increase in peak concentrations of particulate matter.
The best scenario for air quality on a local, regional, and national scale is the restoration of the natural fire cycle through prescribed fire or managing natural ignitions when conditions are favorable (Schweizer et al. 2019)
This indicator addresses annual average PM2.5 concentrations in the Lake Tahoe Region. Particulate matter less than or equal to 2.5 microns in size (PM2.5) is extremely small and can be inhaled deep into the lungs, causing or aggravating asthma, lung diseases, and heart disease. Some particles pass into the bloodstream and some are considered carcinogens. Federal and state standards have been adopted to protect human health.
The primary sources of PM2.5 in the Lake Tahoe Region are residential fuel combustion, wood smoke from wildfires and prescribed fires, motor vehicles and paved and unpaved road dust. PM2.5 results from both primary emissions (PM2.5 directly emitted from sources) and from secondary formation from reactions of gases in the atmosphere. Small particles are also transported into the Lake Tahoe Region, and the ambient concentration of PM2.5 is highly dependent on meteorological conditions such as wind speed, and mixing conditions.
Since 2009 EIP partners have swept more than 91,000 miles of roadways within the Tahoe Basin reducing fine sediment particles from roadways entering the air and water.
This plan focuses on infrastructure for plug-in electric vehicles within the Tahoe-Truckee Region because they play a critical role in reducing the GHG emissions of vehicles.
Considerably Better Than Target. The status is determined on the average of the 3-year averages for the monitoring period 2020-2023 for all monitoring locations. The average reading is 5.7 ppm, 62% of the allowable value, 9 µg/m3. Therefore, the current status is considerably better than target.
Trend Rationale
Little or No Change. Trend was determined using the annual average reading at various South Lake Tahoe sites from 1989-2023 using the Theil-Sen robust regression method. An annual decrease of -.33% was observed during the time frame. Therefore, a trend of little or no change was determined.
Confidence Details
Confidence of Status
High. Monitoring was conducted using strict protocols to collect a long-term, high quality dataset.
Confidence of Trend
Low. Confidence of trend is based on the coefficient of determination and t-test significance. R²=0.0196 (low), p-value= 0.3322.
Overall Confidence
Moderate. If one confidence rating is high and the other is low, the overall confidence rating is moderate.