Phosphorus Load (Tributaries) is include in the Threshold Dashboard. Threshold Indicators are evaluated against Threshold Standards every 4 years. Thresholds are environmental goals and standards for the Lake Tahoe Basin that indirectly define the capacity of the Region to accommodate additional land development.


Phosphorus Load Tributaries.JPG
Combined yearly total phosphorus load (Tonnes/yr), and total yearly inflow for seven streams currently monitoring in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Data are displayed for each water year (October 1 to September 30) from 1981 through 2014. The yearly load for each stream is calculated as the sum of daily loads for a given water year. The combined total phosphorus load represents an estimate of the total mass of phosphorus transported by seven streams to Lake Tahoe during a single water year. The solid line is the combined total yearly inflow from the same streams, having a total combined watershed area of 350.51 square kilometers. Data are from the Lake Tahoe Interagency Monitoring Program (LTIMP).

Applicable Standard

Reduce total annual nutrient and suspended sediment load to achieve loading thresholds for littoral and pelagic Lake Tahoe.

Key Points

No Key Points