PM10 describes inhalable particles, with diameters that are generally 10 micrometers and smaller. This indicator measures the highest monitored PM10 concentration averaged over every 24-hours for the calendar year. Small particulate matter can lodge in the lungs and cause or aggravate the effects of asthma, lung diseases, and heart disease. Elevated concentrations of PM10 can reduce regional visibility. On an annual basis the sources of PM10 in the Tahoe Basin include motor vehicle emissions, paved and unpaved road dust, wood smoke, wildfire smoke, and construction dust. The highest 24-hour PM10 concentrations in the region are generally associated with wildfires. PM10 is monitored by TRPA and partners at three sites around the Basin. 


Annual maximum 24-hr average PM10 in the Tahoe Region.

Desert Research Institute

Evaluation Map

The location of air quality monitoring stations in the Lake Tahoe Basin. PM10 is monitored by TRPA and partners at three sites around the Basin.

2019 Evaluation

At or Somewhat Better Than Target
Moderate Decline
View Evaluation

Applicable Standard

AQ9: Maintain Particulate Matter10 at or below 50µg/m3 measured over a 24-hour period in the portion of the Region within California, and maintain Particulate Matter10 at or below 150µg/m3 measured over a 24-hour period in the portion of the Region within Nevada. Particulate Matter10 measurements shall be made using gravimetric or beta attenuation methods or any equivalent procedure which can be shown to provide equivalent results at or near the level of air quality standard.

Key Points

  • Due to increasing smoke from severe wildfires outside the Tahoe Region impacting the air quality in the Basin, the maximum daily particulate matter concentrations have increased over the past several years, although each year is highly variable depending on the location of wildfires.

Delivering and Measuring Success

EIP Indicators

  • Acres of Forest Fuels Reduction Treatment

    EIP partners have collectively treated over 86,000 acres of forest to reduce hazardous fuels and continue to treat lands in the wildland urban interface to reduce wildfire threat.

  • Miles of Street Sweeping

    Since 2009 EIP partners have swept more than 61,000 miles of roadways within the Tahoe Basin reducing fine sediment particles from roadways entering the air and water.

Example EIP Projects

Monitoring Programs