This indicator measures regional visibility on an "average" day in the non-urbanized areas of the Tahoe Basin. Visibility is a measure of the distance at which an object or light can be clearly discerned by the human eye. Visibility can be impaired by airborne pollutants from local, regional, and global sources. Sources of locally generated pollutants include entrained/suspended roadway particles, vehicle emissions, residential wood burning, campfires, prescribed fires, and wildfires. Some particles responsible for the degradation of regional visibility in the Tahoe Basin include dust and other pollutants transported into the Basin from areas as far as Asia, and record-setting catastrophic wildfires throughout California and the western states in the last five years. Regional programs such as decreasing the number of polluting wood stoves and work to improve forest health to prevent or limit severe wildfire aim to increase regional visibility. Regional visibility is monitored at DL Bliss State Park as part of the national IMPROVE monitoring network.


Regional visibility conditions monitored at the DL Bliss IMPROVE monitoring station.

Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments, UC Davis Air Quality Research Center

Evaluation Map

Regional visibility monitoring station at DL Bliss State Park.

2023 Evaluation

Considerably Better Than Target
Moderate Improvement
View Evaluation

Applicable Standard

AQ5: Achieve an extinction coefficient of 25 Mm-1 at least 50 percent of the time as calculated from aerosol species concentrations measured at the Bliss State Park monitoring site (visual range of 156 kilometer, 97 miles).

Key Points

  • Average visibility days at the non-urban DL Bliss State Park site show a long-term improvement since monitoring began in the early 1990’s and are well within air quality standards.
  • While emissions controls on anthropogenic pollutant emissions appears to be improving visibility, increased intensity and duration of wildfire has led to reduced visibility on the haziest days. (USDA 2024)
  • See wildfire events effecting the Lake Tahoe air basin at the Climate Resilience Dashboard

About the Threshold

This indicator measures regional visibility and the distance that the human eye can see. It is measured by using a reconstructed light extinction (bext) value, which is derived from an equation that combines measured concentrations of several gasses and particles. The equation is corrected for humidity and natural “background” light scattering. Bext is summarized by “average visibility days” (50th percentile values) and “worst visibility days” (90th percentile values) for each year, followed by calculating the 3-year running average. This threshold standard has been adopted to protect regional visibility and air quality.
Particulate matter in the atmosphere is the primary driver of visibility impairment because of the optical properties and long retention times in the air. The main sources of particulate matter in the basin are residential and wildfire smoke, and entrained roadway dust. Effective motor vehicle tail pipe emission controls, residential wood combustion controls, appropriately managed prescribed burning, and road dust emission control aid in improving regional visibility conditions. Increases in the frequency and intensity of wildfires in the western U.S could threaten gains in regional visibility.

Delivering and Measuring Success

EIP Action Priorities

  • Build and Enhance Trail Networks

    Bicycling, walking, and other forms of active transportation are important methods of travel that promote healthy lifestyles, improve air quality.

  • Build and Enhance Transit Systems

    Comprehensive and coordinated bus and shuttle transit system that provides seamless around the lake service.

  • Implement Prescribed Fire

    Prescribed fire and fire used for ecological benefit can reduce smoke exposure from large high intensity fires.

  • Reduce Hazardous Fuels

    Reduce hazardous fuels and proactively manage forests to improve ecosystem resilience and reduce wildfire smoke.

EIP Indicators

Example EIP Projects

Local and Regional Plans

Monitoring Programs

  • Regional Visibility Monitoring

    Visibility monitoring data are collected, analyzed, and reported by the IMPROVE (national Interagency Monitoring of Protected Environments) network using nationally accepted protocols.

Rationale Details

Considerably Better Than Target. The status is based on the 3-year running average of the reconstructed light-extinction (Mm-1) from data collected at the D.L. Bliss monitoring site. In 2023, the 3-year running average was 17.1, 68.4% of the not to exceed standard. Therefore, the status is considered, considerably better than target.
Moderate Improvement. Trend is determined using the 3-year running average of the reconstructed light-extinction (Mm-1) from data collected at the D.L. Bliss monitoring site. The percent change relative to the standard is -0.8%, therefore the trend is moderate improvement.

Confidence Details

High. Monitoring is conducted using strict protocols and there is a long data set to analyze trend.
High . Confidence of trend is determined by the duration of trustworthy data and both the coefficient of determination and t-test significance. There is a long term trustworthy dataset for air quality. R²= 0.92 (high), p-value= 3.98E-14 (high), according to the trend methodology, the trend has high confidence.

Additional Figures and Resources

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