Threshold Dashboard
The threshold standards establish the shared goals for restoration and environmental quality in the Region. The goals range from specific targets for air and water quality, to broad visions for maintaining scenic beauty and enhancing the recreational experience. The Regional Plan, with all of its elements, as implemented through TRPA ordinances and rules and regulations, will achieve and maintain the adopted threshold standards while providing opportunities for orderly growth and development. Thresholds ensure that the “Tahoe experience” would not be lost for future generations.
Every four years, TRPA leads the development of a threshold evaluation report that assesses the environmental health of the Region relative to the adopted standards. We are proud to present the 2019 Threshold Evaluation to residents, visitors, and others concerned with the environmental health of the Tahoe Region. This is the seventh comprehensive report since the adoption of the 1987 Regional Plan. The evaluation is a collaborative endeavor that draws on the monitoring work and analytic expertise of federal, state, and local agencies, academic institutions, and private businesses. We look forward to working with all stakeholders to continue to protect and restore this spectacular place for generations to come.