This indicator measures the amount of fine sediment load reduction achieved in the Lake Tahoe Region. Sediment (particularly fine sediment) delivered to Lake Tahoe is known to directly affect the transparency of Lake Tahoe. Excessive amounts of fine sediment are the leading cause of impairment in streams and lakes of the United States. Landscape disturbances including, but not limited to, impervious road and parking lot surfaces, residential and commercial development, wildfire, and the degradation of stream environment zones, can contribute to sediment inputs to the lake and its tributaries. Fine sediment reductions are monitored by partners through the Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) program.
Lake Clarity Tracker Projects
EIP Indicators
Since 2009, EIP partners have swept more than 91,000 miles of roadway in the Tahoe Region collecting fine sediment particles before they reach Lake Tahoe.
Lake Clarity Indicators
TMDL urban implementing partners have acheived greater than total fine sediment particle targets required by permits and agreements.
Monitoring Programs
The Regional Stormwater Monitoring Program measures pollutants in urban runoff to evaluate the effectiveness of pollutant control measures and track and report monitoring findings.
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