This indicator measures visibility on an "average" day in the urbanized area of South Lake Tahoe. Visibility measures the distance at which an object or light can be clearly discerned by the human eye. Sources of locally generated haze pollutants include entrained/suspended roadway particles, vehicle emissions, residential wood burning, campfires, prescribed fires, and wildfires. Some particles responsible for the degradation of regional visibility in the Tahoe Basin include dust and other pollutants transported into the Basin from areas as far as Asia. Regional programs such as increased street sweeping and work to improve forest health aim to increase sub-regional visibility. Sub-regional visibility is monitored at Lake Tahoe Community College as part of the national IMPROVE monitoring network.
Sub-regional visibility monitoring station at the Lake Tahoe Community College.
EIP Action Priorities
Bicycling, walking, and other forms of active transportation are important methods of travel that promote healthy lifestyles, improve air quality.
Comprehensive and coordinated bus and shuttle transit system that provides seamless around the lake service.
Prescribed fire and fire used for ecological benefit can reduce smoke exposure from large high intensity fires.
Reduce hazardous fuels and proactively manage forests to improve ecosystem resilience and reduce wildfire smoke.
EIP Indicators
Since 2009 EIP partners have swept more than 91,000 miles of roadways within the Tahoe Basin reducing fine sediment particles from roadways entering the air and water.
This EIP performance measure tracks removal of polluting wood stoves to reduce local air pollution for human and ecosystem health.
Example EIP Projects
To help increase sub-regional visibility, programs have been put in place for increased street sweeping such as the purchase of high-efficiency street sweepers.
Local and Regional Plans
Reducing emissions improves air quality.
Addressing emissions is core climate resilience strategy.
This plan focuses on infrastructure for plug-in electric vehicles within the Tahoe-Truckee Region because they play a critical role in reducing the GHG emissions of vehicles.
Monitoring Programs
Visibility monitoring data are collected, analyzed, and reported by the IMPROVE (national Interagency Monitoring of Protected Environments) network using nationally accepted protocols.
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