This indicator addresses the protection of wintering bald eagle habitat in the Tahoe Region. To assess this indicator, the population of the wintering bald eagle population is used as a surrogate measure of wintering habitat. The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is the national symbol and an iconic species that is exceptionally important to the public. Many bald eagles wintering in the Tahoe Region migrate from other breeding areas. Their winter abundance in the Tahoe Region can be influenced by a variety of factors including availability of food, intensity of recreational acitivies nearby, and factors in their home breeding areas. Regional programs such as prohibiting snowmobile use in winter habitat areas aim to protect wintering bald eagles in the Tahoe Region. The annual winter bald eagle survey measures the total number of bald eagles observed throughout the Tahoe Region on a single day during the winter months.


Total number of bald eagles detected during annual winter bald eagle surveys throughout the Tahoe Basin from 1998 through 2019. 

2019 Evaluation
See how thresholds are evaluated
Considerably Better Than Target
Rapid Improvement
Applicable Standard
W3: Provide a minimum of 2 Bald Eagle (Winter) population sites. W10: Provide disturbance zones and influence zones for Bald Eagle (Winter).
Key Points
  • The wintering bald eagle population in Lake Tahoe has increased substantially since monitoring began in the 1990's, and wintering populations are well above the threshold target.
  • Actions to protect the main over-wintering areas in the Basin for bald eagles have been taken such as prohibiting snowmobiles in the Taylor-Tallac marsh complex. 
  • The disturbance zone standard for bald eagle has been implemented by TRPA and other partner agencies.
Evaluation Map

Areas designated by TRPA for the protection of wintering bald eagle populations in the Tahoe Basin.

About the Threshold
The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is the national symbol and an iconic species that is exceptionally important to the public. In the lower 48 states, bald eagles were considered threatened under the Endangered Species Act until they were de-listed in 2007. They are still protected by the federal Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which prohibit the harming, killing, or possession of bald eagles, or their eggs or nests. The annual winter bald eagle survey measures the total number of bald eagles observed throughout the Tahoe Basin on a single day during the winter months. This data is one indicator of the abundance of wintering bald eagles in the Tahoe Basin.
Many bald eagles wintering in the Tahoe Basin have likely migrated from other breeding areas (J. Shane Romsos 2000a; Linthicum et al. 2007). Their winter abundance in the Tahoe Basin can be influenced by a variety of factors in their breeding areas or along their dispersal routes. The availability of spawning Kokanee salmon in Tahoe’s tributaries, or other food sources, may affect the abundance of wintering bald eagles (Laves and Romsos 2000; Reed 1979). The intensity and location of recreational activities can affect wintering bald eagles, although resident eagles may become habituated to regular recreational activities (Laves and Romsos 2000; Brown and Stevens 1997; Buehler et al. 1991). In other areas, the structure of wintering habitat, including the size, location, and the number of suitable perch trees has been shown to affect wintering bald eagle abundance (Stohlgren 1993). Finally, abnormally warm winter temperatures have shown in studies to entice more eagles to overwinter in higher elevation areas, which may account in part for the recent significant upward trend in total individuals observed (Kaltenecker 2000).
Delivering and Measuring Success
Rationale Details
Status was determined based on policies implemented to protect bald eagle winter habitat and the number of bald eagles counted during the annual winter bald eagle count. The number of wintering bald eagles was 24 in 2020, and therefore is considerably better than target.
Trend was determined using simple linear regression on the number of individuals counted during the annual winter count. From 1998-2020, the annual count has grown by an annual 9.8% per year. Therefore, the trend is considered rapid improvement.
Confidence Details
High. Policies have been implemented to protect wintering habitat areas.
High. Surveys have been conducted using standardized protocols and a long period of data exists.
Additional Figures and Resources

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