Considerably better than target. Concentrations (NOx ppb): Annual Average Concentration: 2014 data from the TRPA Stateline site shows an annual average concentration of 4.1 ppb, 14 percent of the strictest California standard of 30 ppb. Highest 1-hour Concentrations: 2014 data from the TRPA Stateline site shows an annual high 1-hour concentration of 27.9 ppb, 15.5 percent of the strictest California standard of 180 ppb. Both of these are “considerably better than target.”
Moderate improvement. The long-term trend line for average tons per day of NOx emissions shows an annual decrease of 1.5 percent. Therefore, a trend of moderate improvement was determined. Additionally, a very strong decreasing trend is evident from 1990 onward with consistent reductions in NOX levels.
Confidence Details
High. Data is collected following well-established protocols for air quality monitoring, therefore confidence in the status is high.
Moderate. The overall improving trend in emissions reported by CARB is moderate (R² = 0.5538, P = 0.014). Trend from the Stateline site is not applicable because only two years of data exists.
Moderate. Overall confidence takes the lower of the two confidence determinations.
Programs and Actions Implemented to Improve Conditions
Regional, state and federal emission standards for motor vehicles, motorized watercraft, gas appliances and woodstoves. Transportation infrastructure improvements such as more efficient intersections, sidewalks, and bicycle infrastructure development. Low emission public transportation systems. Restricted development of “drive-up window” commercial uses.
Effectiveness of Programs and Actions
Existing federal, state and regional programs and actions are effective, based on CARB emission estimates and TRPA monitoring data. The CARB emission inventory indicates a decreasing trend in NOx emissions, which indicates the effectiveness of state and federal vehicle emission standards and programs implemented through the Regional Transportation Plan.
Interim Target
Not applicable. Indicator is in attainment.
Target Attainment Date
Not applicable. Indicator is in attainment.
Analytic Approach
No changes recommended
Monitoring Approach
No changes recommended
Modification of the Threshold Standard or Indicator
A threshold standard amendment is recommended to clarify the existing TRPA NOx standard. It is also recommended to favor the adoption of a numerical standard consistent with state and federal concentration standards because baseline NOx emissions in 1981 were not documented (only 1980 NOx emission estimates were reported). It is recommended to continue monitoring modeled NOx emissions for an additional five years, contemporaneously with NO2 concentrations for comparison purposes.