2015 Evaluation
See how thresholds are evaluated
Somewhat Worse Than Target
Moderate Improvement
Evaluation Map

Current ozone monitoring locations in the Lake Tahoe Basin.

Rationale Details
For 2014, the latest year data is available, the maximum 8-hour ozone concentration at sites that met regulatory reporting requirements was located at Incline Village and was 0.071ppm, approximately 101 percent of the standard of 0.070ppm (Campbell 2015). Therefore, a status of somewhat worse than target was determined.
There is a statistically significant downward trend based on the long term trend line of sites that meet regulatory reporting requirements. The trend line shows a 0.0004 ppm per year decrease from 1975 to 2014, a decrease of 0.57 percent per year in relation to the standard of 0.70 ppm (Campbell 2015). Therefore, a trend of moderate improvement was determined.
Confidence Details
High. There is high confidence in the status determination because the data was collected using widely accepted protocols, was subject to quality assurance requirements, and has been collected continuously across the Region since 1975.
High. The confidence in the long term trend is high, with confidence level in a trend of over 99 percent (P = 0.01)
Programs and Actions Implemented to Improve Conditions
Regional, state and federal emission standards for motor vehicles, motorized watercraft, gas appliances and woodstoves. Transportation infrastructure improvements such as more efficient intersections, sidewalks, and bicycle infrastructure development. Public transportation systems. Regional and state restrictions on prescribed burning days. Restricted development of “drive-up window” commercial uses.
Effectiveness of Programs and Actions
Current programs appear to be effective in reducing ozone, although a continued downward trend is needed for attainment.
Interim Target
No interim target needed. Current trends show the current standard is achievable in the near term.
Target Attainment Date
While it is clear that the Basin is moving towards attainment in the near term, due to the variability of the data, it is not possible to estimate an attainment date.
Analytic Approach
A specific definition of how the indicator will be evaluated is needed. Potential options include:
1. Take the average maximum 1-hour readings of all monitoring stations during current monitoring period (e.g. 2012 to 2015) and compare it to the standard.
2. Take the average maximum 1-hour readings of all monitoring stations during the most recent (ex. 2015) monitoring period and compare it to the standard.
3. Report on the number of exceedances during the current monitoring period.
4. Report on the number of exceedances during the most recent monitoring period.
5. Use the highest reading from the current monitoring period and compare it to the standard.
6. Use the highest reading from the most recent monitoring period and compare it to the standard. This is the current evaluation method.
Monitoring Approach
No changes recommended
Modification of the Threshold Standard or Indicator
No changes recommended
Attain or Maintain Threshold
No changes recommended
Additional Figures and Resources

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